You can find all services related to company formation at one place.

All services related to the formation of a company are available at one place.

  • registration of the company,
  • registered office services,
  • service of process,
  • accounting,
  • legal advice, law firm,
  • business concept, business plan.

Our company offers widespread business opportunities and complex services along with proper legal background. Through our multilingual services we assist our customers from administration from abroad to their arrival and during their stay as well. We help to choose all possible options which are indispensable for your future company to operate cost effectively and efficiently in the Hungarian market. We provide a detailed view of the Hungarian law, market and investment environment. We provide complete management from the formation of the company to the assignments to be carried out in the future.

Our Services

Company formation

Company formation is accompanied with the provision of economic and legal background. We help to choose all possible options which are indispensable for your future company to operate cost effectively and efficiently in the Hungarian market. We provide complete management from the formation of the company to the assignments to be carried out in the future.

Company modification

Following the formation of the company we participate in the operation of the business associations:

  • we provide help in company modification (e.g. electing a new general manager, registering a new seat etc.)
  • making the compulsory modifications deriving from the change of legal regulations,
  • we prepare the relating documents,
  • and file them with the company registration court.

Registered office services - Service of process

Insofar as you wish to establish a company in Hungary, it is a basic requirement to have a registered seat. Accessibility is important because if any official letters or requests arrive at the address of the registered seat, eligibility is needed it for their takeover. If you are abroad or have no time to take over the mails, then – upon your authorisation –, we do it instead of you and forward them officially to the company.

Business plan

Our company has widespread experience in the field of Business Planning. Our modell is to make a work and practical plan which can be used, updated and regulary improved. The business plan includes the preparation phase of the company, which lasts from planning to execution. You have to know the local market and have the proper social network. Our company has all the knowledge necessary for the preparation of the business plan.

We provide you with a complex solution. Do not hesitate to contact us.

CEG CENTRAL EUROPE GATE KFT. Minden jog fenntartva 2019. Adatvédelem Impresszum

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